Lee-Ann Tjunypa Buckskin

Lee-Ann Tjunypa Buckskin is a Narungga, Wirangu, Wotjobaluk woman and lives in South Australia. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of South Australia. Lee-Ann is well known throughout the Australian and international Indigenous and arts communities and has worked across many major events and festivals including Adelaide Fringe, Adelaide Festival and Brisbane Festival of Arts. She has been at the forefront of developing and delivering strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and cultural programs for public audiences in Australia.

In 2005, she was awarded the prestigious and internationally recognised Sidney Myer Facilitator Prize. She is the recipient of two Ruby Awards in South Australia. She was a key designer for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander War Memorial, for South Australia and opened by the Governor General Quentin Bryce in 2013. The project won the Ruby Award for Best Work. In 2016 she was awarded the Ruby Award the Geoff Crowhurst Memorial Award for her sustained contribution to the arts and community cultural development in South Australia.

Lee-Ann is the appointed Deputy Chair of the Australia Council for the Arts. She is an advisory member of The Art Gallery of South Australia and for Tarnanthi the Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts, Adelaide. Serving as an independent board director of Ku Arts, Lee-Ann has consulted and advised on many film scripts and currently is the Aboriginal Strategy Executive for the South Australian Film Corporation.