Graeme Gherashe
Graeme Gherashe and Tony Grybowski announced a new partnership to strengthen the capacity and power of the Arts, Culture and NFP sectors in Australia and around the world in 2018. Since that time they have collaborated on a range of projects as outlined earlier.
We help individuals and organisations achieve clear strategies and develop a compelling narrative and “language” that supports renewal and reimagining. We develop capacity, capability and confidence, both personally and with organisational cultures. Our partnership is nimble and flexible and brings powerful solutions, ideas, and tools to individuals, teams, organizations and communities. We create teams of experts and specialists (from our networks across Australia and the world) who share their passions and bring further expertise for projects of any scale. Our combined 60+ years of line, executive and board membership comes together in a partnership based on wanting to make a difference. We have a shared passion and understanding that arts, culture and the role that the not for profit sector play in our society are fundamental and critical to a successful future.
Graeme Gherashe has 40+ years experience as a line executive, coach, mentor and consultant and has worked in Australia, Asia, UK, Africa, Europe and North America. His unique combination of academia and line executive roles creates a blend of not only the theory but the practical. Graeme worked with a number of leading financial institutions including HR Director roles at Bank of America, Security Pacific, Westpac, Standard Chartered and Aviva. Graeme has been a member of a number of Boards of Management in Australia and Europe and held CEO positions in NFP organisations.
As a consultant Graeme delivered executive development programs for the Australia Council of the Arts including the highly prized Emerging Leaders Development Program, and the Strategic Thinking Workshop. In the Arts he has delivered strategic planning facilitation to a large number of organisations including Opera Australia, NAVA, IFACCA, Shaun Parker Company, Hayes Theatre, Shopfront and the Australian Dance Theatre. For the for profit sector he has delivered strategic planning workshops for amongst others News Limited, Artist Services, BOC, IPMA, etc. He has delivered workshops to the Arts in all the Australian states including in rural locations and for First Nation Arts organisations.